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I’ve hidden this message because the members of DIIV are HIGHLY connected, I fear for my safety and well-being for even typing this out. Hopefully if you’re here, you’re smart enough to see the band DIIV for what they really are: pawns of the military industrial complex. You know the world is just someone’s shitty idea for what world domination would look like, we’re just stuck living in it. You probably think that DIIV was just desperate, like most indie rock artists in the 2020’s, and they swallowed their pride on this one, selling out to the highest bidder, who just happened to be soul-net.co. But that’s the actual lie, the facade they portray. What I’m about to reveal will demonstrate beyond a doubt that DIIV have been a psyop this whole time, an elaborate scheme that began in their youths.

These are people who are not the government, but have access and command to channels the government uses to operate. Global networks of transnational corporations. They exist without borders. Everyone talks about Davos, Bilderberg, or the Council on Foreign Relations, but it’s bigger than that. It’s networks. They create and discard organizations like potted plants that no one waters. The names on the signs change, but it’s the same people. You have to ignore the signs, and look at the people behind them. A good example is how British Security Coordination became the World Commerce Corporation, but only if you look at the people behind the signs. And it was these same people who could be found hiding behind the sign of Permindex. Permanent Industrial Expositions. The president and chairman of Permindex was Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, former British special ops executive. This guy cut his teeth as a spook in Tangiers. OSS shit. But the craziest thing about him is that his grandson wrote ‘Doused’.

But let’s back up, we’re not there yet. Let’s go to 1963, specifically to a series of meetings at the Trial Compound in Montego Bay, held by Major Bloomfield. Over the course of a few months, a who’s who of supervillains attended meetings on the campus, including the likes of: William Stevenson (spook extraordinaire, friend of Churchill, was the go-between for British and American intelligence during the war), Ferenc Nagy (Hungarian Agriculture Industrialist), John De Menil (White Russian arms smuggler, very involved and supportive of abstract impressionism in modern art), and Clay Shaw (OSS, CIA, Permindex, prosecuted by Garrison for JFK assassination). This is where the connections that would eventually lead to DIIV were made.

Fans of the band in Budapest might recall DIIV’s performance there in 2022, when guitarist ‘Andrew Bailey’ stepped to the microphone and spoke Hungarian with a flawless accent. He had some cover story about his Hungarian friend, but who learns the language of the foreign kid on the block? Doesn’t check out. The truth is much more simple: ‘Andrew Bailey’ is really Andras Nagy, the grandson of Ferenc Nagy. Ferenc spent the summer forming a bond with Bloomfield, one that would stretch down their family tree to their grandsons Cole and Andras, who became friends as teenagers.

At that meeting, the plans were devised and set in motion to assassinate President Kennedy. They would blame it on a young, eager-to-please soldier who’d been to Russia and back, De Menil’s associates in Texas had been keeping an eye on him, mainly George De Mohrenschildt. Even Clay Shaw, who was at the meetings, knew the kid. There was another young agent in on the plan, named George Bush, but he seemed less ‘eager-to-please’ and more ‘eager-to-takeover-the-world’. The plan was ready, and Permindex was the network of industrialists calling the shots.

Once Kennedy was out of the way, Permindex set their sights on DeGaulle, which is the only reason we know any of this in the first place. DeGaulle was so pissed, he had his intelligence agency spill the beans on the whole thing, even though it made them look like shit. They exposed the nest of corporate entities that served as vehicles for ongoing special ops executive activity under Major Bloomfield. They also exposed how these entities laundered hit money to have DeGalle taken out, and how they were all investors in Permindex.

Bloomfield was also a member of the Sovereign Order of St. John, the Queen’s official Chivalric Order, of which the Red Cross serves as an intelligence arm of the British Monarchy, frequently called upon to carry out espionage and terrorist activities.

He was also FBI. Through connections with all his corporate affiliations, as well as the bureau, he developed an international network of shipping routes that would be essential for the burgeoning narcotics traffic and related black market activities. He also became Consul General in charge of Liberia, the tax shelter and secondary off-shore banking center. Liberia’s 100% deregulated banks made it a popular destination for black market vendors. Bloomfield was building the machine that would create the New World Order.

Back to George H.W. Bush., the lynch pin in this whole situation. Bush was raised inside this machine that was busy creating the New World Order. He rose through the ranks of the CIA and the Texas oil boom, due to his sociopathy and willingness to commit atrocities for profit, not unlike Allen Dulles, his predecessor at the helm. By the time the steering wheel was in his hands, the only thing standing in the way of the New World Order were a couple of pesky communist superpowers, one already starting to give up the ghost. And by this time, Bloomfield’s shipping routes evolved into the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), the bank of choice for everyone from international drug smugglers, to black market arms traders, to corrupt politicians, to terrorists. Bush’s CIA funneled over a billion dollars to Bin Laden through BCCI. Without BCCI, 9/11 wouldn’t have been possible. Similarly, the CIA used BCCI to fund Saddam Hussein with 4 billion dollars in the late 80’s to fight Iran, right before Bush invaded and tried to take him out.

Before that, though, the US government was also trying to sell weapons to Saddam’s enemy at the time, Iran. In fact, selling arms to both sides of a war is a favorite endeavor of the Bushes, going back to WW1, when they became the impetus for the law against the practice, they even had their assets frozen during WW2 when they got caught doing it again. Anyway, so the CIA is trying to push for this arms sale to Iran, even though they were our declared enemy at the time, but congress wasn’t having it. Undeterred, the CIA connects with Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi arms dealer, and makes arrangements to run some money through BCCI with him, and have him conduct business with Iran. When the CIA got their profits, they used it to fund a coup in Nicaragua, which allowed the industrialists whose interests they represent to move in and extract wealth and resources from the nation still recovering from Spanish colonization. Congress didn’t want them to do that, either. They still need to get reelected, they can’t be that flagrant. Or maybe the ghost of Leo Ryan is still floating around in the Capitol.

Anyway, that was all to demonstrate how the same power structures created by Bloomfield, with help from people like Ferenc Nagy, came to be used by people like Khashoggi, who, it turns out, was the father of another member of DIIV. You may know him as ‘Colin Caulfield’, the bassist with Lebanese heritage, but he was actually born ‘Chamali Dodd’, the love child of Khashoggi and Jill Dodd. Dodd was a member of Khashoggi’s infamous harem, before moving back to the USA and founding the brand ROXY, popular among teenage girls. But that’s a whole other rabbit hole.

Dodd raised Chamali in Los Angeles, while Khashoggi lived the lavish yacht life in his alleged retirement from the arms trade. But if you’ve learned anything about these networks that stretch back to Permindex, you know how they operate. When a psyop needs an actor, there’s only so many people these guys can turn to. So 4 years before his death in 2017, Khashoggi paid a visit to his estranged son, Chamali. There are no records of what was spoken between them, but a week later, Chamali was pulled over for speeding and handed the police officer a driver’s license with the name ‘Colin Caulfield’ on it. Despite never showing an interest in music, he enrolled at an intensive bass instruction seminar, where he discovered he had a pretty singing voice, too.

There’s little evidence to go on when trying to establish the link between ‘Cole Smith’, actually born Cole Bloomfield, and ‘Colin Caulfield’. What’s even more of a mystery, is how ‘Ben Newman’ comes into the picture. What is known so far, is that Ben was actually born John Benjamin Stevens, the son of the 10th US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. Some speculate Stevens was a CIA insider going back to his time as a security guard for the ‘parties’ that defined the Franklin Scandal, of which George H.W. Bush is heavily implicated. But there’s nothing tying him to it on paper, and the allegations mostly come from the victims of those ‘parties’. Stevens most likely crossed paths with Khashoggi during his tenure as Ambassador to Libya, when he, under Hilary Clinton’s direction, endeavored to sell the recently assassinated Ghadaffi’s weapons cache to Al Qaeda. Just 11 years after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the US government was selling arms to Al Qaeda. Stevens was eventually murdered in Benghazi for what he was doing there. There’s a movie about it with the guy from the Office, but they left out the part where he’s selling weapons to Al Qaeda. Weapons that they looted from Ghadaffi, who they killed because he’d nationalized Libya’s oil and used the profits to buy gold and planned to use that gold to back a pan-African currency called the Dinar, which would’ve eliminated Africa’s debt to World Bank and IMF, effectively paralyzing the New World Order.

So, not much is known about any of the four members of DIIV before they were in the band. They’ve crafted a story for everything a music journalist might ask, without much to back their claims. All we can do is sit back, look at all the dots, and start connecting the lines. If you’re wondering why DIIV is selling out to Soul-Net.co now, seemingly out of nowhere, it will all make sense once you research the true history behind the members of the band. This was the plan all along. Some believe that the first 11 years of the band’s history didn’t even happen, that the CIA Mandela’ed their first three albums into existence in 2023. I won’t speak on that, you can be the judge. I will say, though, that I’ll be dead and cold in the ground before I say Berenstain.

But what’s the goal? What ends will justify the means of this psyop? Is it just another go at Operation Chaos, when the CIA used drugs and music to convince a generation of people to abandon revolutionary goals and just not do shit all day long, before vilifying the people who fell for it by associating them with a brutal murder spree they helped commit? DIIV wants us to learn to escape a reincarnation trap, to accept capitalism as an essential aspect of reality. They want us to put down our weapons, while they help Lockheed sell theirs. It’s the same old trick these guys have been running since Permindex. They run around the world, stomping out any resistance that manages to grow through the cracks in their concrete, any resistance by people who just want to work together to build a nice community to live in, any resistance by people who literally just don’t want foreigners extracting resources from their land. DIIV wants you to forget about them. They want you to believe in Archons, the demiurge, the AI computer box on top of Saturn. They want you to love your money and only your money, and anything it can buy. The entire federal reserve system is built on debt, and you the consumer are the promissory note. Simply because you exist, they know you will spend money, and trade your life away to be able to do so.

Fuck that. Learn to hate anything that costs money. Find ways, as a group, a collective, to acquire the necessities without money. Abandon their electrical grids, their internet, their surveillance. We don’t need any of it, and if we join together, we can survive without it. The things society provides that we do need, we can take them or create our own. They convince you to buy the car, when you should be taking the car factory.

So before you listen to DIIV’s new album, remember what it is they’re selling. A life of obedience and subservience to a small group of people, a network that has run the world for 70+ years. Yeah, they dress really cool and I guess the songs are kinda rad, but seriously, these people are the enemy. They’re not just selling an album. This is just the first step in long con. What this psyop holds in store for us is yet to be seen, but judging by the histories of these connected families, it’s safe to say it won’t be good. We need to nip it in the bud, however you can. There will be protests organized at every DIIV performance on their upcoming tours. This is your chance to be a part of the resistance. Your chance to see once and for all, when the line is drawn in the sand, which side do you stand?